Stripe Tutorials, Tips, and Resources for WordPress to Accept Payments
Introducing WP Simple Pay 4.13.0! Easily keep your Stripe account in good standing and maximize revenue with new required price options.
Are you a personal trainer who teaches people one-on-one? Do you teach bootcamp or fitness classes at the park? If so, you need an easy way to accept recurring payments on a monthly basis.
Need to move beyond Stripe’s built-in email receipts and payment notifications and send customized plain text emails instead? Here’s how to use Zapier to accomplish this without writing code.
Utilize Zapier to perform a nearly infinite number of tasks triggered from Stripe without the need for custom code.
Do you run a food blog that focuses on a particular diet or nutrition plan? Do you offer recipes and cooking tips? If so, WP Simple Pay Pro can be a great resource for you when it comes to charging customers.
Do you have a child who is a creator? My boy is always doing projects with his hands. He loves to create. But he doesn’t want it to end there. He wants to sell his creations.
After many months of development and a lot of beta testing, WP Simple Pay Pro 3.0 is finally here! It’s our biggest release yet and is a complete rewrite from scratch. Find out what’s new and why the rewrite.
Setting up custom amounts (i.e. “pay what you want”) will be easier and more flexible in WP Simple Pay Pro 3.0. You can add a minimum amount as well as add a custom amount field after a selection of Stripe subscription plans.
We’re adding a new payment confirmation editor as well as simpler currency settings in WP Simple Pay Pro 3.0.
The payment form designer is also getting a revamp in WP Simple Pay Pro 3.0. Adding and ordering custom on-page fields will be as simple as a click to add, then drag & drop. Configuring individual field options will also be more straightforward.
WP Simple Pay Pro 3.0 is coming soon. Long and complex shortcodes will be a thing of the past. Configuring subscriptions will become a whole lot easier.
Start accepting one-time and recurring payments or donations on your WordPress website.