Stripe Tutorials, Tips, and Resources for WordPress to Accept Payments
Introducing WP Simple Pay 4.13.0! Easily keep your Stripe account in good standing and maximize revenue with new required price options.
Try the new embedded and overlay custom form display options using Stripe Elements in WP Simple Pay Pro 3.3.
WP Simple Pay Pro 3.3 Beta – See the new Embedded and Overlay Custom Form Display Options and the addition of Stripe Elements.
You’ve heard about PCI compliance before, but you may not know what it is and why it’s relevant. In this post, we’d like to break everything down for you.
WP Simple Pay is joining Sandhills Development! Read on for details and answers to a few questions.
Phil and I attended MicroConf and had a new friend share a story of how he was using WP Simple Pay to embarrass (and possibly honor) his brother for his 40th birthday. We loved this and just had to share it with you! You can use WP Simple Pay to accept payments for SOOOOOO many…
Phil and I just returned from five days in Las Vegas. We attended a business conference for self-funded entrepreneurs called MicroConf. MicroConf identifies itself as “The World’s Biggest Conference For The Worlds’ Smallest Self-Funded Software Companies”.
I’d like to introduce you all to The Dublin Inquirer, a news source in Dublin, Ireland. They have an online newspaper, a monthly printed edition, a podcast and much more. They use WP Simple Pay Pro as an easy way to accept subscription payments…
Music teachers, did you know you can begin to collect payments online easily through your WordPress website? Move on from having your clients write you checks and trying to remember to deposit them.
We just got back from CaboPress, an incredible business conference in Cabo San Lucas. It was truly amazing. Yes, we spent a glorious week under straw umbrellas, in pools, and even snorkeling in the clear blue ocean. But the most amazing part of it was…
Are you a wedding or event planner? Are you wanting to accept a larger initial payment from your clients while at the same time setting up monthly recurring payments? WP Simple Pay Pro can do this for you.
Start accepting one-time and recurring payments or donations on your WordPress website.