WP Simple Pay Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for WP Simple Pay

How to Configure a Payment Form’s Fields and Collect Custom Data

On the Form Fields tab is where you’ll add and configure custom fields for additional data collection, labels, and other fields displayed in your on-site payment forms.

Adding a Field

To begin, visit the Form Fields tab in the form builder, then simply select the type of field you’d like added to your payment form and click Add Field.

Field Types

Data inputs generally share the following settings:

Shared Field Settings

A text label displayed above the field.

A short hint shown when the field is empty.

Default Value
A text label displayed above the field.

Dynamic Value
An optional dynamic value that can be passed into the field value. See documentation.

Whether or not the field must be completed before the payment is submitted.

Stripe Metadata Label
Used to identify this field within Stripe payment records. Not displayed on the payment form.

Customer Fields


Collect the payer’s name.

Email Address

Collect the payer’s email address. This field is always required.

Field Settings

Offer Saved Payment Methods
Boost conversions by offering previously saved payment methods Stripe Link.

When enabled, Link autofills your customers’ payment information to create an easy and secure checkout experience. The Link authentication field will automatically display a localized email field.


Collect the payer’s phone number.

Field Settings

Offer Smart Phone Validation
Reduce the likelihood of errors and typos by activation Smart Phone Validation.

When enabled, this activates an intelligent field validation system that ensures the phone number is entered in the correct format for the selected locale, reducing the likelihood of typos or errors. An alternative default country can be set.


Collect the payer’s billing and/or shipping address. This field is not compatible with Stripe Checkout.

Field Settings

Address Type
Determines the type of address fields to show.

If “Billing” is selected, the full billing address will be collected. If “Shipping” is selected, the full shipping address will be collected, with the option to update the relevant billing information if needed.

Billing Address Heading
Heading displayed above the entire billing address type.

Shipping Address Heading
Heading displayed above the entire shipping address type.

Tax ID

Collect the payer’s tax ID.

Stripe Billing provides automatic validation to help determine if formatting is correct. Stripe also provides automatic validation with government databases for the tax ID types below.

You’re responsible for making sure that customer information is accurate (including their tax identification number). Stripe displays a customer tax ID on an invoice, regardless of whether or not it’s valid.

Read Stripe’s official documentation →

Payment Fields

Price Selector

Displays the available price options. A single price option will be hidden.

Field Settings

Display Style
Determines how the available price options are presented.


Allows payer’s to enter a coupon code to reduce the payment amount.

Field Settings

Button Style
Determines how the Apply button is presented.

Custom Amount

Allows the payer to enter an amount to pay. Requires a price option that allows a custom amount.

Field Settings

Prefill input with default price amount
Determines if the selected price option amount should be set in the input

Recurring Amount Toggle

Allows the payer to transform a one-time payment in to a recurring subscription. Requires a price option that allows recurring payments.

Field Settings

Recurring by Default
Purchases are automatically opted-in to a recurring subscription. It can be deselected.

Amount Breakdown

Displays a breakdown of the payment subtotal, discounts, taxes, total, and recurring amount.

Field Settings

“Subtotal Amount” Label
The label displayed in the subtotal row.

“Total Amount” Label
The label displayed in the total row.

“Recurring Amount” Label
The label displayed in the recurring amount row.

1-Click Payment Button (Apple Pay / Google Pay)

Displays the available 1-click payment buttons. Learn more about 1-click payments →

Payment Methods

Displays the list of available payment methods. Learn more about payment methods →

Checkout Button

Outputs the checkout button to complete the payment.

Field Settings

Complete Payment Text
Text to display to complete the payment. Use {{amount}} to display the payment amount.

Start Trial Text
Text to display to a activate a subscription with a trial.

Buy Now, Pay Later Text
Text to display when using a “buy now, pay later” payment method that redirects to complete the payment.

Processing Text
Text to display when the payment form is processing.

Payment Button Style
Determines the appearance of the button.

Payment Button

Outputs the payment button to continue to Stripe Checkout or launch the overlay modal.

Field Settings

Continue to Payment Text
Text to display to continue to payment.

Continue to Trial Text
Text to display to a activate a subscription with a trial.

Processing Text
Text to display when the payment form is processing.

Button Style
Determines the appearance of the button.

Custom Data Input Fields

The following custom fields are intended for collecting additional data that is not specific to payments, billing, subscriptions, and coupons.

Where is my form data stored?
See the What Happens After A Payment page for details on where to find payment, customer, and custom field data.


A text heading.

Field Settings

The heading text.

Heading Level
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, or H6 level.


Allow users to enter any characters into a standard input area. Limit 500 characters.

Field Settings

Set to a paragraph text field. Limited to 500 characters by Stripe.

Allow users to choose one item from a dropdown list of choices.

Field Settings

The list of available options to choose from, separated by a comma. i.e Red, Blue, Green

Quantity Multiplier
Uses the selected numerical option to multiple the payment amount.

Radio Select

Allow users to choose one item from a list of choices.

Field Settings

The list of available options to choose from, separated by a comma. i.e Red, Blue, Green

Quantity Multiplier
Uses the selected numerical option to multiple the payment amount.


Allow users to choose a date from a dropdown datepicker.


Allow users to enter numeric values.

Field Settings

The minimum number allowed.

The maximum number allowed.

Quantity Field
Uses the set value to multiple the payment amount.


Allow users to opt-in by checking a box.

Field Settings

Checked by default
Determines if the checkbox input is initially checked

Looking to add a checkbox with a label such as “Agree to terms” that opens a new page? Read more here.


Not visible to users. You can use it to send additional data to Stripe.

Viewing Collected Form Information

Still have questions? We’re here to help!

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