WP Simple Pay Documentation

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How to Set a Dynamic Default Field Value

Almost every custom field available in the form builder allows setting a default value. Also, a suite of “dynamic value tags” are available to automatically populate a field with data required in more advanced payment flows.

User & Form Context Default Values

User context

If your site has user accounts, and your users are logged in, you can use the Default Values to auto-fill information in the payment form.

Available User Context Values

{User ID}
The WordPress users user ID.

{User Email}
The email address stored in the WordPress users account.

{User First Name}
The first name, if any, stored in the WordPress users account.

{User Last Name}
The last name, if any, stored in the WordPress users account.

{User IP}
The WordPress users stored IP address.

Form Context

You can use the Default Values to auto-fill information about the payment form.

Available Form Context Values

{Form ID}
The WP Simple Pay form ID for the current form.

{Form Title}
The WP Simple Pay form title for the current form.

{Form Description}
The WP Simple Pay form description for the current form.

{Embedded Post/Page ID}
The WordPress post/page ID the current WP Simple Pay form is served from.

{Embedded Post/Page Title}
The WordPress post/page title the current WP Simple Pay form is served from.

{Embedded Post/Page URL}
The WordPress post/page URL the current WP Simple Pay form is served from.

URL Query Variables

Using URL query variables, you are able to pass information into your payment form using a formatted URL.

A URL with the amount and email query values passed in will look something like this:

http://example.com/payment-page?amount=2500&[email protected]

See the FAQs below for a complete example of how to use url query variables.

If passing through the Name field value, note that you cannot use the query var name, as it is a reserved term and will cause an error.


Can I Pre-fill Fields From the Previous Page or URL

The example below will show how to set up prefilling the amount and email fields via URL parameters. This is a common scenario after being redirected from another form plugin or supplying a prebuilt URL to clients.

Setting up the custom amount

Create your Price Option, ensuring that you select Allow amount to be determined by user and set as the Default Price option

After adding and configuring the custom price option, you will want to edit the Custom Amount Input form field which has been added for you.

Click the Dynamic Value selector, and choose Query String Variable

Enter the name of the query variable between the “” as shown below. Here we are using amount

Be sure to check “Yes” to Prefill input with default price amount.

Setting up the email field

Edit the Email Address Form Field

Click the Dynamic Value selector, and choose Query String Variable

Enter the name of the query variable between the “” as shown below. Here we are using email

Form Example with URL Query Variables Passed In

After publishing or previewing your form, you can pass in the query variables and the default amounts, as shown below.

A URL with a query string will look something like this:

http://example.com/plugin?amount=25000&[email protected]

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