WP Simple Pay Documentation

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How to Set Payment Success and Failure Pages

Global Settings

Visit WP Simple Pay → Settings → Payment Confirmation → Pages to configure which pages are used by default for all payment forms.

WP Simple Pay payment confirmation pages.

Per-Form Settings

You can also change the payment success page at the form settings level. Visit the WP Simple Pay → Payment Forms → (Your Form) → Confirmation Page tab in the form builder.

Global Setting

Redirect users to the setting you have saved in WP Simple Pay → Settings → Payment Confirmation → Pages

WP Simple Pay form builder payment success page global setting

Specific Page

Redirect users to a page in WordPress.

WP Simple Pay form builder payment success page specific page

Make sure the [simpay_payment_receipt] shortcode resides on the Payment Success Page. To customize this shortcode output further, see how to configure the payment confirmation display.

Also, make sure the payment confirmation page is excluded from any site caching enabled by your web host.

Redirect URL

Redirect users to a page outside of your website.

WP Simple Pay form builder payment success page redirect url

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