How to Configure Currency and Locale Settings
In This Document
Stripe currently supports 30+ languages, 45+ countries, and 135+ currencies. WP Simple Pay lets you set the locale (language) for your payment forms as well as the default currency, currency format, and tax rate for your site’s region.
For example, some companies based in France may need the French locale, Euro currency, right-align the currency symbol position and use commas in place of decimals.
Visit WP Simple Pay → Settings → General → Currency to modify currency settings.
Default Currency
Determines the default currency for your payment forms. Select or search for any supported currency. A different currency can be chosen on a per price option.
Currency Position
Select left or right side with an optional space separating the currency symbol and amount.
If enabled, amounts will be formatted as “1.234,56” instead of “1,234.56”.
Visit WP Simple Pay → Settings → Stripe → Locale to modify locale settings.
Stripe Checkout Locale
Determines the locale used for off-site Stripe Checkout payment forms. Specify Auto-detect to display Stripe Checkout in the user’s preferred language, if available, or choose your desired locale.
Stripe Elements Locale
Determines the locale used for on-site payment forms. Specify Auto-detect to display the credit card field placeholders and validation messages in the user’s preferred language, if available, or choose your desired locale.
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