WP Simple Pay Documentation

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How to Configure SiteGround Optimizer Settings

Are your payment forms not working correctly for logged out users, or intermittently, with the SiteGround Optimizer plugin? Follow the steps below to ensure WP Simple Pay functions as expected with the SiteGround Optimizer plugin active.

Cache Settings

Exclude URLs from Caching

To ensure that your payments forms work properly in conjunction with SiteGround Optimizer, you need to exclude your payment form and payment confirmation page URLs from caching in the SG Optimizer → Caching settings, as shown below.

sg optimizer exclude urls

You need to add relative URLs (do not include https://www.domainname.com, etc.)

After confirming the excluded URLs, use the Test URL Caching Status tool to verify that your payment form pages are indeed not being cached.

JavaScript Settings

Exclude Scripts From Various Optimizations

Exclude the following scripts from Minification, Combination, and Deferral, in SG Optimizer → Frontend → Javascript settings as indicated below. Note the scripts only need to be excluded if you have the optimization switched on.

siteground optimizer optimization settings.

The script values will auto populate from the exclude drop down menu.


You can read more about SiteGround Optimizers frontend optimization settings on their website.

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